800 number answering services
Transform your business with 24/7 call coverage. Get a dedicated 800 number and live answering service to capture every opportunity.
Try for free800 number with live answering service
We get it – running a business is a lot to manage. There are a thousand things to do every day to maintain a smooth-running operation, and keeping a professional look by answering calls is one of them. Missing just one phone call and letting it go to voicemail can mean you miss an opportunity to earn a new potential customer, satisfy a current client, build loyalty, and expand national presence.
Having a dedicated toll-free number answering service isn’t a luxury–it’s a must have if you want your customers to get prompt answers, professional greetings, and a friendly voice on the other end of the call.
With Upfirst’s call answering service, you’ll show that your business is always available to lend a hand no matter the time of day. It’s like having a professional virtual receptionist that never takes a minute off, ready to book appointments, satisfy your callers, and give your company a serious boost in professional image – all at an affordable price.
Whether you run an accounting firm or a plumbing company, answering clients calls quickly is a must. We help you pick up on the first ring.
Transform how customers perceive your business from the first "hello." Our 1-800 answering service elevates your local business to a nationwide brand, helping you win trust and credibility instantly. Whether callers are from across the street or across the country, they'll experience the professionalism of an established enterprise.
Stop losing potential customers to voicemail. Our 800 number answering service ensures every call is a revenue opportunity, with your agent answering within seconds – even during peak hours. Handle multiple calls simultaneously and turn quick responses into closed deals.
Expand your business hours without expanding your team. While your competitors sleep, our toll-free answering service keeps working. Whether it's a midnight emergency or a Sunday sales inquiry, every caller gets the same exceptional service that drives loyalty and referrals. Never miss another opportunity to grow your business.
Deliver enterprise-level support without enterprise-level costs. Instead of managing an in-house reception team, our 800 answering service gives you professional call handling at a fraction of the cost. Focus your resources on growing your business while we handle the calls.
Best 800 answering service
Transform your business communications in minutes with an AI receptionist that understands your unique needs.
Get started in minutes with our 14-day free trial. Unlike traditional answering services, our AI can learn everything about your business - from pricing and services to specific handling instructions. Simply connect your phone number (or get a new 800 number), then provide your AI receptionist with the knowledge it needs to represent your business perfectly. Your agent will intelligently handle appointments, messages, and lead collection based on your preferences.
Take your AI receptionist for a test drive. Make a few practice calls to experience our industry-leading natural voices and fine-tune how your agent handles different scenarios. You can adjust responses, select different voices, and set guidelines for unexpected questions. Because it's AI-powered, your agent consistently delivers the exact experience you want, every time.
Ready to handle real customer calls? Upgrade to a paid plan and your receptionist starts working immediately. Every call is handled according to your specifications, with detailed summaries and transcripts sent directly to you. Your agent collects all the information you need, making follow-ups efficient and ensuring no important details slip through the cracks.
Industries using our 800 number service
We help businesses from every corner answer their calls and build a professional presence.
Whether you're a bustling new restaurant or growing franchise, our 800 number service provides a professional presence while handling caller reservations and menu questions.
Our 1-800 answering service is suitable for any number of industries that rely on phone answering to grow their business. From insurance firms to vet offices, our virtual receptionists have you covered.
Have a question about our answering service that isn't answered here? Get in touch with our team.
What is the pricing of your 800 answering service?
Our plans start at $24.95/month for 30 calls, which includes your 800 number. Traditional answering services typically charge $1-2 per minute plus hidden fees, which can add up to hundreds or even thousands per month. With Upfirst, you get 24/7 coverage and advanced features like call transcripts and CRM integration at one flat rate.
Can I keep my current 800 number?
Yes! You can either forward calls from your existing number to our service or get a new 800 number - it's your choice. If you choose to forward your existing number, we'll walk you through the simple setup process, which takes just a few minutes.
What if I need to adjust how calls are handled?
You can modify your receptionist's knowledge and behavior anytime through our simple dashboard. Whether you need to update pricing, change business hours, add new services, or adjust how certain types of calls are handled, changes take effect immediately. There's no need to retrain human agents or wait for updates to be implemented.
Why is this better than voicemail?
Voicemail feels are impersonal and unprofessional. Many customers hang up before leaving a message. In fact, 80% of callers don’t even bother to leave a voice message. With an AI receptionist who can address concerns, answer FAQs, or route calls correctly, you give customers immediate interaction and build trust from the very first hello.
Your customers hate being sent to voicemail. Give them a better experience when they call your 800 number with Upfirst.
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