Virtual assistant voicemail

The voicemail assistant that actually speaks with customers

It’s time to ditch traditional voicemail. Reduce call backs and get an AI voicemail assistant who can speak to your callers, book appointments, qualify leads, and more.

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Dog trainer with client and cream-colored dog reviewing training consultation request received through AI voicemail platform

Meet the replacement to voicemail

What exactly is a voicemail assistant?

No matter what type of business you run, answering every phone call is nearly impossible. We get it – there’s either too much on your plate, or you can’t always be near the phone. But traditional voicemail is impersonal, and customers hate hearing “Leave your message after the tone.” Now, you’re left with playing catch up, responding to every business voicemail at the end of the day.

You probably lost a few customers because you couldn’t help them right away. With Upfirst’s voicemail assistant, you don’t have to worry about losing customers while you’re too busy to answer – because it’s a voicemail that actually holds conversations with your customers.

Imagine having an incredibly affordable virtual receptionist who can help book appointments, capture leads, answer FAQs, and even offer bilingual support around the clock – that’s Upfirst. Get ready to reduce callbacks, help your customers, and save yourself time.

Benefits of a voicemail assistant

Why should you use a voicemail assistant?

Discover the difference an AI voicemail can make for your business.

Voicemail that actually answers calls

Never worry about missing another important call or having a full voicemail box to respond to. Our 24/7 voicemail answering service engages your customers for you, so your customers always have a voice to speak with rather than a busy signal. You can stay focused on your work, knowing your callers will feel heard.

    Customer service representative wearing headset having virtual conversation about booking coworking space through AI voicemail assistant

    Save time by automating your calls

    Think about all those phone calls you or your staff have to answer daily. Even a simple question—like “What are your store hours?”—can eat into valuable time. Now, not only can you filter out simple questions, but you can instruct our voicemail assistant to set appointments for you, and even ask qualifying questions to distinguish the more serious buyers. Spend less time tethered to your phone and more time serving your clients.

      Voicemail assistant automatically responds to a caller's request to book a property tour by sending a scheduling link via text message.

      Customize your voicemail assistant to your needs

      Our voicemail service is totally customizable to suit you best. Not looking to qualify leads or set appointments? Not a problem. You can set it up to only answer FAQs and take messages. Plus, you can customize your script to match your brand's personality.

        Legal receptionist and attorney discussing client inquiry received through AI voicemail system in modern law office

        Impress callers with human-like answering

        Getting sent to voicemail when we need something is always frustrating, and can set the tone for how customers view your business. By having a voicemail receptionist that always answers, your callers can get what they need right away, leaving a positive lasting impression and a better look on your professional image.

          Real estate agent greeting prospective tenant after initial contact through automated voicemail assistant at luxury apartment complex
          AI voicemail and beyond

          What do you get with our voicemail assistant?

          What makes our voicemail assistant stand out? We go beyond voicemail-to-email and have packed Upfirst with powerful features that allow you to affordably serve your customers and save much needed time.

          quick, easy setup

          How our AI voicemail assistant works

          In just minutes, you can set up a virtual receptionist who takes detailed messages with all of the info you need from callers.


          Set up

          First things first: create your account. Use your existing business number or opt to get a new one through us—whichever works best for you. The system will guide you through each step, from entering your business information to selecting specific features. Once you’re signed up, you’ll access a secure dashboard that lets you configure your voicemail assistant.



          Before you activate your new voicemail assistant, you’ll want to make sure it’s suited for your business. During the testing phase, you can set up your customized greeting, choose from various AI voices, and provide details about your business specifics. For instance, do you want your callers to hear a polite introduction, or would you rather jump straight into capturing a message? You set the rules, and our assistant follows them. We recommend running a few test calls to check things like voice clarity, tone, and flow. If you need to tweak anything, it can be changed at any time.


          Go live

          Once you’re satisfied with the testing phase, it’s time to go live. Just click “Activate” and your AI receptionist goes live instantly. From that moment onward, your voicemail assistant will greet incoming calls, assist customers, and capture all relevant information. You’re free to focus on big-picture tasks or simply enjoy your free time, knowing your calls are in capable hands.

          Voicemail assistant FAQs

          Have a question about Upfirst's virtual voicemail assistant that isn't answered here? Get in touch with our team.

          What are the benefits of a voicemail assistant?

          A voicemail assistant ensures that your calls are greeted in a friendly, professional manner 24/7. It can answer basic questions, take messages, set appointments, capture leads, and even handle bilingual support. The biggest benefits include saving time, improving customer satisfaction, and capturing leads even when you’re not available.

          How do I know if I need a voicemail assistant?

          If you’re missing calls, struggling to keep track of messages, dealing with a voicemail box that’s constantly full, or finding that your customers are getting frustrated with traditional voicemail, you probably need a more a better solution. Our voicemail assistant is especially helpful for businesses or professionals who can’t always pick up the phone but still want to deliver a great customer experience.

          How much does your voicemail assistant cost?

          Upfirst's voicemail assistant begins at $24.95/mo for 30 calls. Unlike traditional virtual receptionists, don't charge extra for call transcripts, notifications, or integrations.

          Try our voicemail assistant for free

          Give your customers a voice to talk to even when you can’t make the phone. Get a voicemail assistant to set appointments, qualify leads, answer FAQs, and more.

          Try for free