The affordable personal answering service
Stop being overwhelmed by the constant ringing. Let our 24/7 personal answering service take your calls, offer support, book appointments, qualify leads, and more.
Try for freeIntroducing personal answering services
Running a business likely asks a lot from you: answering emails, managing marketing campaigns, taking sales calls, keeping up with customer relationships; the list goes on and on. Making sure you’re answering every incoming call and responding to every business voicemail? That’s nearly impossible to keep up with, and that’s just your business life. What about balancing your personal life?
With so many things needing your attention, you’ve probably lost a few big customers to missed calls and late responses. With a personal answering service like Upfirst, you don’t have to worry about losing clients because you’re too busy – we’ll answer every call for you no matter the time.
Imagine what it’s like having an affordable team of virtual receptionists ready to answer your calls around the clock, book appointments, capture leads, and take important messages, saving you time and money – that’s Upfirst. Get ready to win back some of your personal life while we answer your phone calls.
Learn how our phone assistants can make a difference in your business and personal life.
Stop worrying about missing important calls or responding to a full voicemail box. Our personal answering service takes your calls 24/7, engaging with your callers rather than sending them to voicemail. You can stay focused on your work or get back to your personal life knowing that your callers are well taken care of and feeling heard.
Think about all the time spent answering customer calls – looking through your calendar to find available time slots, asking qualifying questions to sort through valuable leads, and replying to simple FAQs. With our virtual receptionists, you can automate this manual work by instructing us to handle it for you. Spend less time attached to your phone and enjoy more time doing what matters most.
Customize our personal answering service to your specific business needs. Don’t need appointment booking? That’s totally fine. You can customize our call handling service to take messages and email you voice transcriptions or route important calls to your cell phone. Tell us your preferred greetings, scripts, and protocols — our AI receptionists will follow your exact customizations.
No one likes a lengthy onboarding process or complicated software. That’s why getting started with your own answering service is incredibly simple. Sign up, provide specific business details, customize your greeting, make a few test calls, and you’re all set to go. No drawn out setups. Within minutes, you can have knowledgeable, professional receptionists who know your business inside and out and are ready to answer calls.
quick, easy setup
In just minutes, you can have your own virtual receptionist ready to answer calls around the clock and save you time.
First, create your account. Choose whether you’d like to use your existing small business phone number or get a brand new one from us. If you prefer a toll-free option, we also offer 800 numbers, so you can appear more established to national audiences.
Next, customize your greeting and pick your AI’s voice. Provide your business specifics—like how to handle leads, what information to gather for support calls, and how to route urgent inquiries. Run a few test calls to hear the flow from start to finish. Tweak any settings until it’s exactly the experience you want for your callers.
When you’re ready, just hit “Activate.” From that moment on, your AI receptionist is on duty, answering calls and handling them as instructed. You can make updates or check call logs at any time through your dashboard.
Popular solutions & industries
See a few of our popular solutions that help businesses of all sizes save time and gain customers.
Have an in-house receptionist during regular hours, but get flooded with too many calls on busy days? Our overflow reception feature ensures no customer gets stuck waiting—and your staff doesn’t get overwhelmed.
Replace that generic voicemail greeting with a dynamic voicemail assistant that can route calls, schedule appointments, or capture more detailed information from callers, all without requiring your immediate presence.
If you own a business that relies on call answering to schedule appointments, help customers, or qualify leads, Upfirst is there to help grow your business.
Contractors, restaurants, insurance agents, financial firms, and even towing companies – all benefit from our answering services. Stop missing calls and start capturing every opportunity.
Have a question about Upfirst's personal answering services that isn't answered here? Get in touch with our team.
How quickly are calls answered?
Our system is designed to pick up calls on the first ring. We know speed matters and we don't want your callers waiting long.
Do you outsource your calls overseas?
No, we will never outsource to overseas agents. Our AI technology is designed to sound human-like and become a natural extension of your business. It can learn your business inside and out, ensuring consistency and quality interactions.
Can your service integrate with my software tools?
Yes! We offer integrations with popular CRMs, calendar apps, and communication platforms. From HubSpot and Salesforce to Google Calendar and Slack, we’ll help you connect with all your workflows with Zapier.
Can it handle multiple calls at the same time?
Absolutely. Our system can scale to manage simultaneous calls, ensuring no caller is left on hold indefinitely.
Why is this service better than a traditional voicemail?
Traditional voicemail doesn’t capture immediate information or give callers a sense of being heard right away. With our personal answering service, callers interact with a helpful virtual receptionist, which reduces hang-ups, fosters trust, and collects vital details you can act on instantly.
Do you offer multiple language options?
Yes, we provide bilingual support. If you need additional languages beyond English and Spanish, let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
Can I receive call updates in my email or text?
You bet. You can customize how you receive updates—whether it’s a quick text summary or a detailed email report with all relevant call info.
Is there a lock-in contract?
We know flexibility matters. Our plans are typically month-to-month, so you can cancel or adjust your subscription at any time without hidden fees.
How much money will I save compared to hiring in-house staff?
While exact savings vary depending on your call volume, many businesses reduce the significant cost of hiring a full-time receptionist (the average salary for one receptionist is about $36,000 per year, or $3,000 per month). Compare that salary to Upfirst’s Starter plan, which begins at an affordable rate of $24.95 per month.
Stop letting everyday life get in the way of answering calls and opportunities. Get started with a personal answering service today and reclaim your time while connecting with more customers.
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